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Version 11 (Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57) → Version 12/13 (Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57)

Cerebellar models in the Open Source Brain repository

The following is a list of the cell and network models from the cerebellum which are available in the OSB.

[*Cerebellum on NeuroLex*](http://neurolex.org/wiki/Category:Cerebellum)

Cellular models

There are a number of detailed cell models from the cerebellum in the OSB.

### Purkinje cell

De Schutter & Bower 1994 model: project:purkinjecell

[*Purkinje cell on NeuroLex*](http://neurolex.org/wiki/Category:Cerebellum_Purkinje_cell)

### Cerebellar nucleus neuron

Steuber & Jaeger’s (deep) cerebellar nucleus neuron model: project:cerebellarnucleusneuron

[*Cerebellar nucleus neuron on NeuroLex*](http://neurolex.org/wiki/Category:Cerebellum_nucleus_reciprocal_projections_neuron)

### Granule cell

See [here](http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/cerebellar-granule-cell-modelling/wiki/Wiki) here for more information.

[*Cerebellar granule cell on NeuroLex*](http://neurolex.org/wiki/Category:Cerebellum_granule_cell)

### Golgi cell

[Cerebellar Golgi Cell - Solinas et al. 2007](http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/cerebellum--cerebellar-golgi-cell--solinasetal-golgicell)

[*Golgi cell on NeuroLex*](http://neurolex.org/wiki/Category:Cerebellum_Golgi_cell)

Network models

### Granule cell layer


[*Granule cell layer on NeuroLex*](http://neurolex.org/wiki/Category:Granular_layer_of_cerebellar_cortex)

### Golgi cell network


[*Golgi cell on NeuroLex*](http://neurolex.org/wiki/Category:Cerebellum_Golgi_cell)