Collaborative and Integrative Modeling of Hippocampal Area CA1

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Padraig Gleeson, 10 May 2015 16:42

Collaborative and Integrative Modeling of Hippocampal Area CA1


This initiative resulted from a Human Brain Project sponsored meeting in London on 31st March & 1st April 2015: HBP Hippocamp CA1: Collaborative and Integrative Modeling of Hippocampal Area CA1

Overview of published CA1 cell and network models

Interneuron models

List of interneuron models with references and ModelDB IDs (if existing)

Pyramidal cell models

List of pyramidal cell models with references and ModelDB IDs (if existing)

CSV file of all models

CA1model.csv contains a database of all known published CA1 cell models.

Is there a model missing?? Please open an issue and let us know!

We have created a script ( which will eventually be able to generate the above
figures automatically. See issue #4 for progress with this.

For now, the figures produced are:


Pyramidal cell models:

Running the Interactive Visualization

Within the viz directory run the command: 'python3'

To see it live, navigate to