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Wiki » History » Version 1

Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57

1 1 Padraig Gleeson
2 1 Padraig Gleeson
3 1 Padraig Gleeson
4 1 Padraig Gleeson
To get a local copy of this project type:
5 1 Padraig Gleeson
6 1 Padraig Gleeson
`hg clone http://www.opensourcebrain.org/hg/osb/models/cerebellum/cerebellar_granule_cell/GranCellSolinasEtAl10`
7 1 Padraig Gleeson
8 1 Padraig Gleeson
Original NEURON version
9 1 Padraig Gleeson
10 1 Padraig Gleeson
11 1 Padraig Gleeson
The PyNEURON version of this model is available [here](http://www.opensourcebrain.org:8080/projects/grancellsolinasetal10/repository/show/NEURON)