Izhikevich Spiking Neuron Model

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Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57


This project will contain examples of the Izhikevich spiking neuron model.


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Versions of the project

The original model in MATLAB format has been converted to a number of other formats.


Tested with simulators: NEURON…

NeuroML 2

The XML for an Izhikevich model in NeuroML v2.0 is below:

<code class="xml">
<izhikevichCell id="TonicSpiking" v0 = "-70mV" thresh = "30mV" a ="0.02" b = "0.2" c = "-65.0" d = "6" Iamp="0" Idel="0ms" Idur="2000ms"/></code>

For full examples of single cells see TonicSpiking or PhasicBursting

Tested with simulators: …

Comparison to original model behaviour

table{border:1px solid black}.
{background:#ddd}. |Model|Label |PyNN |NeuroML | Comments |
|Tonic spiking |    A      |OK |    OK ||
|Phasic spiking|    B |OK |    OK ||
|Tonic bursting|    C |OK |    OK ||
|Phasic bursting|    D |OK |    OK ||
|Mixed mode|    E |OK |    OK ||
|Spike freq. adapt.|    F |OK |    OK ||
|Class 1 excitable|    G |not yet implemented| OK (although new ComponentType generalizedIzhikevichCell required)| Different model parameterization |
|Class 2 excitable|    H |not yet implemented|    OK ||
|Spike latency |    I |OK|    OK| Requires modified pulse amplitude for more pronounced spike latency at smaller dt |
|Subthresh. osc.|    J |OK|    OK| |
|Resonator|    K |not yet implemented|    OK ||
|Integrator|    L |not yet implemented|    OK (although new ComponentType generalizedIzhikevichCell required)| Different model parameterization|
|Rebound spike|    M |OK|    OK ||
|Rebound burst|    N |OK|    OK ||
|Threshold variability|    O |not yet implemented|    OK ||
|Bistability|    P |OK|    OK | Requires a slightly altered time of 2nd spike to ensure bistability at smaller dt |
|Depolarizing after-potential|    Q |PROBLEM|    OK| Matches if changed b from 0.2 to 0.18|
|Accomodation|    R |not yet implemented|    OK (although new ComponentType accomodationIzhikevichCell required)| Different model parameterization|
|Inhibition-induced spiking|    S |PROBLEM|    OK| Response depending on the time step|
|Inhibition-induced bursting|    T |PROBLEM |    PROBLEM| Response diverging on PyNN and depending on the time step on NeuroML|