
Wiki » History » Version 7

Version 6 (Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57) → Version 7/45 (Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57)

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This project will contain examples of the Izhikevich spiking neuron model.


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Versions of the project

The original model in [MATLAB format](http://izhikevich.org/publications/figure1.m) has been converted to a number of other formats.

### PyNN

Tested with simulators: NEURON…

### NeuroML 2

XML for an Izhikevich model in NeuroML v2.0 is below:

<code class="xml">
<izhikevichCell id="TonicSpiking" v0 = "-70mV" thresh = "30mV" a ="0.02" b = "0.2" c = "-65.0" d = "6" Iamp="0" Idel="0ms" Idur="2000ms"/></code>

For full examples of single cells see [TonicSpiking](/projects/izhikevichmodel/repository/entry/neuroConstruct/cellMechanisms/TonicSpiking/TonicSpiking.nml) or [PhasicBursting](/projects/izhikevichmodel/repository/entry/neuroConstruct/cellMechanisms/PhasicBursting/PhasicBursting.nml)

Tested with simulators: …