Izhikevich Spiking Neuron Model

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Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57


This project will contain examples of the Izhikevich spiking neuron model.


To get local clone of this project…

Versions of the project

The original model in MATLAB format has been converted to a number of other formats.


Tested with simulators: NEURON…

NeuroML 2

The XML for an Izhikevich model in NeuroML v2.0 is below:

<code class="xml">
<izhikevichCell id="TonicSpiking" v0 = "-70mV" thresh = "30mV" a ="0.02" b = "0.2" c = "-65.0" d = "6" Iamp="0" Idel="0ms" Idur="2000ms"/></code>

For full examples of single cells see TonicSpiking or PhasicBursting

Tested with simulators: …

Comparison to original model behaviour

table{border:1px solid black}.
{background:#ddd}. | |PyNN |NeuroML |
|A      |OK |OK |
|B |OK |OK |
|C |OK |OK |
|D |OK |OK |
|E |OK |OK |
|F |OK |OK |
|G |not yet implemented| problem: different model parameterization|
|H |not yet implemented| OK |
|I |OK| OK|
|J |OK| OK|
|K |not yet implemented| OK |
|L |not yet implemented| problem different model parameterization|
|M |OK| OK |
|N |OK| OK |
|O not yet implemented| OK |
|P |PROBLEM| problem |
|Q |PROBLEM| problem response depending on the time step|
|R |not yet implemented| PROBLEM different from fig1|
|S |PROBLEM| PROBLEM response depending on the time step|
|T |PROBLEM (diverg.)| PROBLEM response depending on the time step|