Wiki » History » Version 3
Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57
1 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | Introduction |
2 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | ------------ |
3 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
4 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | This showcase project is intended to highlight some of the interactions possible between OSB and NIF/NeuroLex. |
5 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
6 | 2 | Padraig Gleeson | ### OSB in NeuroLex |
7 | 2 | Padraig Gleeson | |
8 | 3 | Padraig Gleeson | There is an entry for OSB itself in NeuroLex:\_Source\_Brain. |
9 | 2 | Padraig Gleeson | |
10 | 2 | Padraig Gleeson | ### OSB models can be found on NIF |
11 | 2 | Padraig Gleeson | |
12 | 3 | Padraig Gleeson | All OSB models can be found on NIF:\_152590&dis=Open%20Source%20Brain&t=indexable&nif=nlx\_152590-1&b=0&r=20 |
13 | 2 | Padraig Gleeson | |
14 | 2 | Padraig Gleeson | As long as models on OSB have the custom field **NeuroLex Ids: Cells** set with the correct id of a NeuroLex entry, a search for this entity on NIF will get a list of the models on OSB with that cell type:\_128&dis=Cerebellar%20granule%20cell&t=indexable&nif=nlx\_152590-1&b=0&r=20 |