OSB2014 » History » Version 50
Padraig Gleeson, 10 May 2014 11:43
1 | 21 | Padraig Gleeson |  |
2 | 22 | Padraig Gleeson | |
3 | 22 | Padraig Gleeson | ### OSB Workshop 2014: Building and sharing models of the cortex |
4 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
5 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | This meeting will be the second main meeting of the Open Source Brain initiative (http://www.opensourcebrain.org). |
6 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
7 | 3 | Padraig Gleeson | Dates: **9am Wednesday 14th - 5pm Friday 16th May, 2014** |
8 | 3 | Padraig Gleeson | |
9 | 3 | Padraig Gleeson | Location: [Hotel Calabona](http://www.hotelcalabona.com/), [Alghero](http://www.alghero-turismo.it/en/), Sardinia |
10 | 3 | Padraig Gleeson | |
11 | 3 | Padraig Gleeson | Local organisers: [Sergio Solinas](/users/23), Irene Solinas |
12 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | Organising committee: [Padraig Gleeson](/users/4), [Eugenio Piasini](/users/3), [Angus Silver](/users/6), [Boris Marin](/users/67) |
13 | 3 | Padraig Gleeson | |
14 | 8 | Padraig Gleeson | ### Focus of the meeting |
15 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
16 | 18 | Padraig Gleeson | There are an increasing number of cortical cell and network models being developed and made publicly available, from networks of leaky integrate and fire neurons based on cortical connectivity and firing properties, to multicompartmental, conductance based cell models. Many of these are being reused, reimplemented and extended to address new scientific questions by labs around the world. |
17 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
18 | 18 | Padraig Gleeson | In this meeting, we will look at the range cortico-thalamic models out there which are of widespread interest and work towards getting these into public, open source repositories, in standardised formats such as NeuroML and PyNN. We will investigate the steps needed to ensure these models are well tested, annotated and ready for use as research tools by the attendees and the wider community. |
19 | 18 | Padraig Gleeson | |
20 | 18 | Padraig Gleeson | There will be presentations from experimentalists who are producing the data to constrain these models, as well as simulator and application developers who will create the infrastructure to build, simulate, analyse and share the models. |
21 | 4 | Padraig Gleeson | |
22 | 5 | Padraig Gleeson | ### Confirmed speakers |
23 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
24 | 35 | Padraig Gleeson | [Giuseppe Chindemi](http://people.epfl.ch/giuseppe.chindemi), [Blue Brain Project](http://bluebrain.epfl.ch), EPFL, Switzerland |
25 | 12 | Padraig Gleeson | [Sharon Crook](/users/8), Arizona State University, USA |
26 | 5 | Padraig Gleeson | [Markus Diesmann](http://www.fz-juelich.de/SharedDocs/Personen/INM/INM-6/EN/Diesmann_Markus.html?nn=724694), Research Center Jülich, Germany |
27 | 6 | Padraig Gleeson | [Dirk Feldmeyer](http://www.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/cznk/?lidx=1), Aachen University, Germany |
28 | 6 | Padraig Gleeson | [Alon Korngreen](/users/190), Bar-Ilan University, Israel |
29 | 34 | Padraig Gleeson | [Linda Lanyon](http://incf.org/about/who-we-are/staff), International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility, Stockholm, Sweden |
30 | 8 | Padraig Gleeson | [Dave Lester](/users/90), [SpiNNaker project](http://apt.cs.man.ac.uk/projects/SpiNNaker/), University of Manchester, UK |
31 | 27 | Padraig Gleeson | [Robert A. McDougal](http://senselab.med.yale.edu), Yale University School of Medicine, USA |
32 | 26 | Padraig Gleeson | [Michele Migliore](http://www.pa.ibf.cnr.it/personale/migliore/index.html), National Research Council, Italy & Yale University School of Medicine, USA |
33 | 26 | Padraig Gleeson | [Ole Paulsen](http://noggin.pdn.cam.ac.uk/Group/OlePaulsen), University of Cambridge, UK |
34 | 32 | Padraig Gleeson | [Horacio G. Rotstein](http://web.njit.edu/~horacio/), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark (NJ) USA. |
35 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | [Angus Silver](/users/6), University College London |
36 | 35 | Padraig Gleeson | [Werner Van Geit](http://bluebrain.epfl.ch/page-68317-en.html), [Blue Brain Project](http://bluebrain.epfl.ch), EPFL, Switzerland |
37 | 7 | Padraig Gleeson | [Tim Vogels](http://www.cncb.ox.ac.uk/team/group-leaders/tim/), University of Oxford, UK |
38 | 12 | Padraig Gleeson | [Daniel Wójcik](/users/74), Nencki Institute, Poland |
39 | 49 | Sergio Solinas | [Egidio D'Angelo](http://www-5.unipv.it/dangelo/), University of Pavia, ITALY |
40 | 5 | Padraig Gleeson | |
41 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | ### Registration |
42 | 9 | Padraig Gleeson | |
43 | 35 | Padraig Gleeson | Registration for this meeting is now closed. If you please contact: [p.gleeson@ucl.ac.uk](mailto:p.gleeson@ucl.ac.uk) for any queries. |
44 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
45 | 38 | Padraig Gleeson | ### Agenda |
46 | 14 | Padraig Gleeson | |
47 | 45 | Padraig Gleeson | There will be a [NeuroML Editorial Board](http://www.neuroml.org/editors.php) meeting on **Tues 13th May**. |
48 | 45 | Padraig Gleeson | |
49 | 45 | Padraig Gleeson | For more details see [here](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/osb-announce/LlgUI9FtvlE). |
50 | 4 | Padraig Gleeson | |
51 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | #### Wednesday 14th May, 9am - 6pm |
52 | 4 | Padraig Gleeson | |
53 | 37 | Adrian Quintana | | |**Morning Session** | | |
54 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |:---|:---|:---| |
55 | 39 | Padraig Gleeson | | *Welcome & background to the Open Source Brain initiative* | |
56 | 38 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Angus Silver** | Introduction | |
57 | 38 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Padraig Gleeson** | Overview of OSB & relationship to NeuroML | |
58 | 38 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Adrian Quintana** | Using Open Source Brain | |
59 | 38 | Padraig Gleeson | | *Relationship to other initiatives* | |
60 | 38 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Robert McDougal** | ModelView: extracting model structure and presenting it on the web with NEURON | |
61 | 38 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Linda Lanyon** | The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility | |
62 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
63 | 39 | Padraig Gleeson | **12:30-13:30 Lunch** |
64 | 37 | Adrian Quintana | |
65 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | | |**Afternoon Session** | | |
66 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |:---|:---|:---| |
67 | 39 | Padraig Gleeson | | *Detailed modelling of individual cortical neurons* | |
68 | 39 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Alon Korngreen** | Realistic modelling of cortical pyramidal neurons| |
69 | 39 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Angus Silver** | Glutamate-Bound NMDARs Arising from In Vivo-like Network Activity Extend Spatio-temporal Integration in a L5 Cortical Pyramidal Cell Model | |
70 | 39 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Guy Eyal** |Dendrites impact the encoding capabilities of the axon | |
71 | 39 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Werner Van Geit** | Reconstruction of a neocortical microcircuit: Neurons | |
72 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
73 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | #### Thursday 15th May, 9am - 6pm |
74 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
75 | 37 | Adrian Quintana | | |**Morning Session** | | |
76 | 37 | Adrian Quintana | |:---|:---|:---| |
77 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | | *Enabling technologies* | |
78 | 50 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Dave Lester** | SpiNNaker Software and Open Standards | |
79 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Matteo Cantarelli** | Geppetto: A web based multiscale simulator | |
80 | 44 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Robert Cannon** | New features & capabilities under development for NeuroML & LEMS | |
81 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | | Network models of the cortex| |
82 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Tim Vogels** | The dance of excitation and inhibition | |
83 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
84 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | **12:30-13:30 Lunch** |
85 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | |
86 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | | |**Afternoon Session** | | |
87 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |:---|:---|:---| |
88 | 42 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Markus Diesmann** | A full-scale spiking model of the local cortical network | |
89 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Giuseppe Chindemi** | Reconstruction of a neocortical microcircuit: connectivity & synapses | |
90 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Daniel Wójcik** | From generation to publication of simulated data in a large-scale model of thalamo-cortical loop | |
91 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Chaitanya Chintaluri** | Modeling extracellular potentials in a cortical slice preparation | |
92 | 46 | Sergio Solinas | | **Dirk Feldmeyer** | Excitatory and inhibitory neuron morphologies and their implication for synaptic connectivity | |
93 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | |
94 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | #### Friday 16th May, 9am - 6pm |
95 | 37 | Adrian Quintana | |
96 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | | |**Morning Session** | | |
97 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |:---|:---|:---| |
98 | 46 | Sergio Solinas | | OSB Symposium: Oscillation and resonance in CNS network loops | **Organiser: [Sergio Solinas](/users/23)** This symposium aims to cluster the neuroscientists actively working in the field of neuronal network oscillations within the framework of OSB in order to promote the integration of models and tools in this area. For more information see here: [[Symposium2014]] || |
99 | 48 | Sergio Solinas | | Horacio G. Rotstain | Inhibition-based theta resonance in a hippocampal network: a modeling study | |
100 | 46 | Sergio Solinas | | Ole Paulsen | Oscillations and resonance in hippocampal neurons. | |
101 | 46 | Sergio Solinas | | Michele Migliore | Modeling the effects of electric fields from power lines on hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. | |
102 | 46 | Sergio Solinas | | Egidio D'Angelo | Theta-frequency resonance at the cerebellum input stage improves spike timing on the millisecond time-scale | |
103 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
104 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | **12:30-13:30 Lunch** |
105 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
106 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | | |**Afternoon Session** | | |
107 | 43 | Padraig Gleeson | |:---|:---|:---| |
108 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | | *Future plans* | |
109 | 43 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Boris Marin** | Model testing & validation framework for OSB | |
110 | 43 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Sharon Crook** | NeuroML developments: Editorial Board Report & plans for NeuroML Database | |
111 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | | **Padraig Gleeson** | Requirements gathering for OSB: What is needed for truly collaborative model development in computational neuroscience? | |
112 | 40 | Padraig Gleeson | |
113 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | ### Accommodation |
114 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | |
115 | 29 | Padraig Gleeson | Special rates are available at the meeting venue, [Hotel Calabona](http://www.hotelcalabona.com), Alghero. **Please use Customer Code: BRAIN when making reservations** (leave Promo Code blank). Rate per night for a double room (before tax) should be EUR105 (**ensure you select 1 adult**). |
116 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | |
117 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | ### Reaching Alghero |
118 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | |
119 | 41 | Boris Marin | Alghero is easy to reach thanks to national and international flights that land daily (list of Companies and destinations: http://www.aeroportodialghero.it/compagnie_en.asp). |
120 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | |
121 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | Alghero-Fertilia Airport is located just 12 km from the Workshop venue and is the most convenient way to reach the meeting venue. The Airport is very well connected to Alghero by public transportation (buses run every 15 minutes, one way fare Euro 0,70) and by taxi. The major rent-a-car companies are located at the airport arrival area. |
122 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | |
123 | 15 | Padraig Gleeson | The city is also well connected to the main Mediterranean sea routes. The port of Porto Torres is located 45 Km away. Alternatively, Olbia-Costa Smeralda airport is 128Km away and Cagliari airport is 225Km away. |
124 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
125 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | ### Enquiries |
126 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | |
127 | 1 | Padraig Gleeson | If you have any enquiries about this meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact: [p.gleeson@ucl.ac.uk](mailto:p.gleeson@ucl.ac.uk). |
128 | 10 | Padraig Gleeson | |
129 | 10 | Padraig Gleeson | ### Support |
130 | 10 | Padraig Gleeson | |
131 | 11 | Padraig Gleeson | This meeting is being generously supported by: |
132 | 10 | Padraig Gleeson | |
133 | 10 | Padraig Gleeson |  |
134 | 23 | Padraig Gleeson | |
135 | 23 | Padraig Gleeson | |
136 | 23 | Padraig Gleeson | |
137 | 23 | Padraig Gleeson | *Illustration courtesy of [Matteo Farinella](/users/34) * |