Striatal Spiny Projection Neuron - Blackwell

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Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57


This model of a striatal spiny projection neuron is in development in GENESIS, but a version is under construction here in NeuroML 2 format.

Note: the main purpose of this project is to test the scope of NeuroML v2.0, and its ability to encode detailed conductance based models. The SSPN model is still in development in GENESIS, but will be added here when it is published.

Clone the project

To get a local copy of this project clone with Mercurial:

hg clone
cd StriatalSpinyProjectionNeuron/NeuroML2

Test the project

Install NeuroML 2/libNeuroML, see here. Remember to set the NML2_HOME environment variable.

Run the example cell with:

nml2 Test_lems.xml

Also try the other example. Note more work is needed to get this behaving like a real SSN, but the channels can be tested with this example:

nml2 LemsSim.xml

See plots of this example below: