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Padraig Gleeson, 30 Apr 2014 14:57

1 1 Padraig Gleeson
Introduction to using the Traub et al 2005 model
2 13 Padraig Gleeson
3 1 Padraig Gleeson
4 14 Padraig Gleeson
First, and most importantly, please remember that this is a **work in progress**! If you would like to help make this model more useful for the community, please get in contact via the **[OSB Discuss mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/osb-discuss*).
5 14 Padraig Gleeson
The original Traub et al model was developed in FORTRAN, this was converted to NEURON by Tom Morse and Michael Hines , and this has now been converted to NeuroML & neuroConstruct.
6 1 Padraig Gleeson
Important details of the process of conversion of the cell models to NeuroML, and matching cell behaviour acorss simulators is present in the [2010 NeuroML paper](http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1000815).
7 14 Padraig Gleeson
h3. Install neuroConstruct & get latest project
8 13 Padraig Gleeson
See the instructions [here](http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/neuroconstructprojects/wiki/Wiki) regarding obtaining the latest version of neuroConstruct.
9 14 Padraig Gleeson
Install NEURON, GENESIS and/or MOOSE .
10 13 Padraig Gleeson
To get a local copy of the Thalamocortical project, [install Git](http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/gitintro/wiki/Wiki) and type:
11 14 Padraig Gleeson
 git clone https://github.com/OpenSourceBrain/Thalamocortical.git
12 13 Padraig Gleeson
13 14 Padraig Gleeson
h3. View a cell in 3D
14 14 Padraig Gleeson
Open neuroConstruct and open the Thalamocortical project;**File\* ~~\> **Open Project**~~\> select <Git checkout dir>/Thalamocortical/Thalamocortical.ncx
15 1 Padraig Gleeson
16 8 Padraig Gleeson
Go to tab **Visualisation**, select **L23PyrFRB**, a Fast Regular Bursting Layer 2/3 Pyramidal cell, in the drop down box (or any other cell of your choosing) and click **View**.
17 1 Padraig Gleeson
18 8 Padraig Gleeson
19 8 Padraig Gleeson
20 8 Padraig Gleeson
To change the view so that all segments are drawn as solid cylinders select **All solid** in the lower left drop down box.
21 8 Padraig Gleeson
22 8 Padraig Gleeson
To see the distribution of channels on the cell, select **Cell density mechanisms** in the lower right drop down box.
23 8 Padraig Gleeson
24 8 Padraig Gleeson
To get more details on the properties of this cell, go to tab **Cell Types**, select **L23PyrFRB**, and a summary of the biophysical properties and structure of the cell is given.
25 1 Padraig Gleeson
26 13 Padraig Gleeson
### Test installation with single cell simulation
27 1 Padraig Gleeson
28 8 Padraig Gleeson
Assuming the simulator NEURON is installed, a simulation can be generated with just this cell. Go to tab **Generate** and select [Simulation Configuration](http://www.neuroconstruct.org/docs/Glossary_gen.html#Simulation%20Configuration): **Cell2-suppyrFRB-FigA1FRB** in the drop down box. This will generate a network with one L23PyrFRB and current clamp input (hyperpolarising followed by depolarising).
29 1 Padraig Gleeson
30 9 Padraig Gleeson
Go to tab **Export**, sub tab **NEURON**, and click **Create hoc simulation**. This generates the HOC and MOD files specific to NEURON for this cell & network steup. These files can be viewed using **View…**. Execute the simulation in NEURON using **Run Simulation**.
31 9 Padraig Gleeson
32 9 Padraig Gleeson
33 1 Padraig Gleeson
34 7 Padraig Gleeson
This simulation can be loaded back into neuroConstruct. Go to tab **Visualisation**, click **View prev sims in 3D**, select the simulation and press **Load simulation**.
35 10 Padraig Gleeson
36 10 Padraig Gleeson
37 10 Padraig Gleeson
38 10 Padraig Gleeson
To plot the data saved in the simulation, click on any part of the cell, and click **Plot selected**. This will list the locations recorded (soma and one point on axon).
39 1 Padraig Gleeson
40 10 Padraig Gleeson
To replay the simulation in the 3D view select **Replay**. This will give a time varying coloring to the cell based on membrane potential. Note that since only 2 locations are recorded, the majority of the cell will be coloured according to the membrane potential at the soma.
41 12 Padraig Gleeson
42 13 Padraig Gleeson
### Generate synapse files (important!)
43 5 Padraig Gleeson
44 5 Padraig Gleeson
Currently the majority of the synapse models (ChannelML based synapses in **cellMechanism** folder) are not included in the project in the repository.
45 5 Padraig Gleeson
46 5 Padraig Gleeson
These are generated by a script **makeSyns.sh** in **pythonScripts/netbuild**. This script was manually created from the info in teh Appendix of the original paper (it’s easier to check/update the values in **makeSyns.sh** than through the neuroConstruct GUI).
47 5 Padraig Gleeson
48 11 Padraig Gleeson
This script (or **makeSyns.bat** on Windows) needs to be run once to generate files **cellMechanisms/Syn\_AMPA\_L4SS\_L4SS/ChannelMLSyn.xml** etc.
49 11 Padraig Gleeson
50 13 Padraig Gleeson
### Generate a network model
51 11 Padraig Gleeson
52 11 Padraig Gleeson
Once the synapse mechanisms have been generated, it is possible to generate a 3D network model containing all 14 cell types from the original paper.
53 11 Padraig Gleeson
54 11 Padraig Gleeson
As this network example is quite large, it is wide to view the cells with only lines for neurites. Go to menu option **Settings** -\> **Project Properties** and **Soma solid, neurite lines** for the **Display** option. Press **Save** to exit.
55 11 Padraig Gleeson
56 11 Padraig Gleeson
Go to tab **Generate** and select [Simulation Configuration](http://www.neuroconstruct.org/docs/Glossary_gen.html#Simulation%20Configuration): **Demo3D** in the drop down box. This will generate a network with 14 cell groups. Go to tab **Visualisation**, select **Latest Generated Positions** and click **View**.
57 11 Padraig Gleeson
58 11 Padraig Gleeson
59 11 Padraig Gleeson
60 11 Padraig Gleeson
Click on one of the cells (or select a cell group/cell number in the drpdown boxes) and click **Transparent mode** to better see the position of individual cells (and the somata of cells it’s connected to):
61 11 Padraig Gleeson
62 11 Padraig Gleeson
63 15 Padraig Gleeson
64 15 Padraig Gleeson
Please make sure to read about the [[Known issues]] with this model.