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Vitor Chaud, 30 Apr 2014 14:57

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Model overview
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[Vogels et al 2011](http://www.sciencemag.org/content/334/6062/1569.short) provides an extension of the model described in [Vogels and Abbott 2005](http://www.jneurosci.org/content/25/46/10786.short) mainly in order to evaluate the role of inhibitory synapse plasticity in recovering an asynchronous network state after a manifestation of some memory pattern (i.e., highly correlated activity of some neuron group).
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A brief video illustrating model features can be found [here](http://lcn.epfl.ch/~vogels/index_movie.html).
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Downloading and running a simulation
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To get local clone of this project [Install Git](http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/gitintro/wiki/Wiki), go to the directory in which the project will be cloned and type:
12 1 Vitor Chaud
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    > git clone https://github.com/OpenSourceBrain/VogelsEtAl2011.git
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In order to install PyNN see http://neuralensemble.org/trac/PyNN/wiki/Installation. Make sure to use the latest v0.8 version from [GitHub](https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/PyNN), which includes the required Vogels2011Rule synapse. Note: NEURON is the only supported simulator for this model at the moment.
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Go to the PyNN subdirectory:
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    > cd VogelsEtAl2011/PyNN
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To run a simulation type:
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    > python vogelsEtAl2011.py neuron
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Version of the project
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A Matlab code using the original model implementation can be found [here](http://senselab.med.yale.edu/ModelDB/ShowModel.asp?model=143751).
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The project described here is still under development and NEURON is the only supported simulator for this model at the moment.
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table{border:1px solid black}.
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{background:\#ddd}. |*=.State|*=.Description|\_=.Original simulation time|
36 11 Vitor Chaud
|=. **pre**|The asynchronous irregular network dynamics of the model published in Vogels and Abbott (2005) without inhibitory plasticity|1 min (60000 ms)|
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|={background:\#eee}. **A** |{background:\#eee}. Inhibitory to excitatory synapses are turned to 0 efficacy. The network is forced out of the AI regime and begins to fire at high rates.
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Inhibitory plasticity is turned on.|{background:\#eee}. Not specified|
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|=. **B** |Inhibitory plasticity has restored asynchronous irregular dynamics|60 min (60\*60\*1000 ms)|
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|={background:\#eee}. **C** |{background:\#eee}.The excitatory non-zero weights of the two designated memory
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 patterns are increased ad-hoc by a factor of 5. The neurons of hte subset
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 begin to exhibit elevated and more sychronized activity|{background:\#eee}.5 sec (5000 ms)|
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|=. **D** |Inhibitory plasticity has succesfully suppressed any elevated activity
44 9 Vitor Chaud
 from the pattern and restored the global background state|60 min (60\*60\*1000 ms)|
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|={background:\#eee}. **E** |{background:\#eee}.By delivering an additional, 1 s long stimulus as described above to
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 25% of the cells within one memory pattern, the whole pattern is activated.
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 Activity inside the pattern stays asynchronous and irregular, and the rest of
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 the network, including the other pattern, ramains nearly unaffected|{background:\#eee}.5 sec (5000 ms)|