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Vitor Chaud, 30 Apr 2014 14:57

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Model overview
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[Vogels et al 2011](http://www.sciencemag.org/content/334/6062/1569.short) provides an extension of the model described in [Vogels and Abbott 2005](http://www.jneurosci.org/content/25/46/10786.short) mainly in order to evaluate the role of inhibitory synapse plasticity in recovering an asynchronous network state after a manifestation of some memory pattern (i.e., highly correlated activity of some neuron group).
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A brief video illustrating model features can be found [here](http://lcn.epfl.ch/~vogels/index_movie.html).
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Downloading and running a simulation
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11 5 Vitor Chaud
To get local clone of this project [Install Git](http://www.opensourcebrain.org/projects/gitintro/wiki/Wiki), go to the directory in which the project will be cloned and type:
12 1 Vitor Chaud
13 1 Vitor Chaud
    > git clone https://github.com/OpenSourceBrain/VogelsEtAl2011.git
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15 5 Vitor Chaud
In order to install PyNN see http://neuralensemble.org/trac/PyNN/wiki/Installation. Make sure to use the latest v0.8 version from [GitHub](https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/PyNN), which includes the required Vogels2011Rule synapse. Note: NEURON is the only supported simulator for this model at the moment.
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Go to the PyNN subdirectory:
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    > cd VogelsEtAl2011/PyNN
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To run a simulation type:
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    > python vogelsEtAl2011.py neuron
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Version of the project
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A Matlab code using the original model implementation can be found [here](http://senselab.med.yale.edu/ModelDB/ShowModel.asp?model=143751).
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The project described here is still under development and NEURON is the only supported simulator for this model at the moment.
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table{border:1px solid black}.
35 8 Vitor Chaud
{background:\#ddd}. |=. **State**|=. **Description**|=. **Original simulation time**|
36 7 Vitor Chaud
|**pre**|The asynchronous irregular network dynamics of the model published in Vogels and Abbott (2005) without inhibitory plasticity|1 min (60000 ms)|
37 7 Vitor Chaud
|**A**|Inhibitory to excitatory synapses are turned to 0 efficacy. The network is forced out of the AI regime and begins to fire at high rates. Inhibitory plasticity is turned on| Not specified|
38 8 Vitor Chaud
|**B**|Inhibitory plasticity has restored asynchronous irregular dynamics|60 min (60\*60\*1000 ms)|
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|**C**|The excitatory non-zero weights of the two designated memory patterns are increased ad-hoc by a factor of 5. The neurons of hte subset begin to exhibit elevated and more sychronized activity|5 sec (5000 ms)|
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|**D**|Inhibitory plasticity has succesfully suppressed any elevated activity from the pattern and restored the global background state|60 min (60\*60\*1000 ms)|
41 7 Vitor Chaud
|**E**|By delivering an additional, 1 s long stimulus as described above to 25% of the cells within one memory pattern, the whole pattern is activated. Activity inside the pattern stays asynchronous and irregular, and the rest of the network, including the other pattern, ramains nearly unaffected|5 sec (5000 ms)|