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Chaitanya Chintaluri, 30 Apr 2014 14:57

1 1 Padraig Gleeson
Neocortical models in the Open Source Brain repository
2 4 Padraig Gleeson
3 1 Padraig Gleeson
4 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
### Introduction
5 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
6 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
It is in the scientific community’s interest to have a detailed model of the Thalamo - cortical loop. This will aid us in understanding
7 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
the role of cortex in processing information. Although there are a few existing models addressing this question, they are not updated with the
8 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
latest findings of the field, the model’s development stops with the publication of the results. Also, often such detailed models are
9 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
abandoned due to lack of financial and human resources to maintain such projects. New projects are built up from the scratch - this wastes
10 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
precious resources, and is like re-inventing the wheel. This project differs specifically in this respect - by making the project
11 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
Open, new findings are encouraged to be added, bugs will be acknowledged and subseqently corrected. As it is the community that develops
12 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
the project, the findings are open to all - immediately. The central idea is to arrive at a consensus of existing good models of cells and
13 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
network alike and to build upon them. This will happen with benchmarking, version control and testing.
14 7 Chaitanya Chintaluri
15 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
### Cell models
16 1 Padraig Gleeson
17 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
#### Individual cell models
18 1 Padraig Gleeson
19 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
##### Generic cortical pyramidal cell
20 1 Padraig Gleeson
21 9 Chaitanya Chintaluri
[Pyramidal cells review](http://www.nature.com/nrn/journal/v9/n3/full/nrn2286.html) by Nelson Spruston
22 9 Chaitanya Chintaluri
23 4 Padraig Gleeson
project:pospischiletal2008 (single compartment, conductance based; Regular Spiking (RS) neurons & Intrinsically Bursting (IB) neurons)
24 4 Padraig Gleeson
project:acnet2 is a network model of the thalamorecipient layer (IV) of primary auditory cortex (AI), and consists of 2 populations, pyramidal cells and basket cell interneurons.
25 4 Padraig Gleeson
26 4 Padraig Gleeson
27 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
##### Layer 2/3 Pyramidal cell
28 4 Padraig Gleeson
29 1 Padraig Gleeson
project:thalamocortical (Fast Regular Bursting & Regular Spiking)
30 3 Padraig Gleeson
31 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
##### Layer 4 Spiny Stellate cell
32 1 Padraig Gleeson
33 1 Padraig Gleeson
34 2 Padraig Gleeson
35 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
##### Layer 5 Pyramidal cell
36 1 Padraig Gleeson
37 4 Padraig Gleeson
38 3 Padraig Gleeson
39 1 Padraig Gleeson
project:thalamocortical (Intrinsically bursting & Regular Spiking)
40 4 Padraig Gleeson
41 1 Padraig Gleeson
42 5 Padraig Gleeson
There is a \*dedicated page on modelling L5 cells [here](/projects/l5pyramidalcellmodels/wiki*).
43 5 Padraig Gleeson
44 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
##### Layer 6 Pyramidal cell
45 3 Padraig Gleeson
46 1 Padraig Gleeson
47 1 Padraig Gleeson
48 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
##### Interneurons
49 1 Padraig Gleeson
50 1 Padraig Gleeson
project:thalamocortical (Superficial & Deep Basket, Axo-axonic & LTS interneurons)
51 1 Padraig Gleeson
project:acnet2 is a network model of the thalamorecipient layer (IV) of primary auditory cortex (AI), and consists of 2 populations, pyramidal cells and basket cell interneurons.
52 1 Padraig Gleeson
project:pospischiletal2008 (Fast Spiking (FS) neurons)
53 1 Padraig Gleeson
54 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
#### Channel Properties
55 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
56 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
#### Morphology
57 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
58 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
#### Nomenclature
59 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
60 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
It is important to have a consistent naming in the models of the cells and channels. Although these are not currently adopted, they are advised. A standard naming helps in making models interchangeable and easily testable. There is no consensus yet on naming of individual compartments in a cell model. [Discuss]
61 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
62 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
[Petilla terminology](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18568015) for nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex.
63 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
64 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
[Channelpedia](http://channelpedia.epfl.ch/ionchannels) For ion channel names.
65 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
66 1 Padraig Gleeson
### Network models
67 4 Padraig Gleeson
68 1 Padraig Gleeson
#### Abstract cortical networks
69 1 Padraig Gleeson
70 2 Padraig Gleeson
71 4 Padraig Gleeson
72 4 Padraig Gleeson
73 4 Padraig Gleeson
74 2 Padraig Gleeson
75 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
#### Detailed network models
76 2 Padraig Gleeson
77 1 Padraig Gleeson
78 8 Chaitanya Chintaluri
79 6 Padraig Gleeson
See the page on [[Modelling the thalamocortical loop]]