Cerebellar Granule Cell - Solinas et al. 2010

Initial version of Granule cell from: Solinas S., Nieus T, d’Angelo E. (2010) A Realistic Large-Scale Model of the Cerebellum Granular Layer Predicts Circuit Spatio-Temporal Filtering Properties. Front Cell Neurosci. 2010;4:12.

For more information, see the Wiki

Build Status

In the process of conversion from original NEURON to NeuroML. Temperature dependence of channel conductances (see here) will require implementation in NeuroML 2, but initial impl in NeuroML v1.8.1, fixed at 30 deg C is present in neuroConstruct folder.

Developer: Eugenio Piasini, Padraig Gleeson, Sergio Solinas

Scientific Coordinator: Sergio Solinas

This model was originally developed in: NEURON

The code for this model is hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/OpenSourceBrain/GranCellSolinasEtAl10

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