Morris Lecar Model

Morris Lecar Model Neuron

Continuous build using OMV

GitHub repository for an OSB project containing the Morris Lecar model.

This attempts to reproduce the model as defined here (called <morrisLecarWCell> here). Note: the Scholarpedia formulation of the model (<morrisLecarSCell>) is slightly different.

The model ComponentType definition(s) will be moved to the core set of NeuroML2 definitions when stable!


To get a local copy of this project install git and type:

git clone
cd MorrisLecarModel/NeuroML2

Test the project

Install jNeuroML 2, see here. Remember to set the JNML_HOME environment variable.

Run the example cell with:

jnml Run_MorrisLecarWCell.xml

You should get the trace below (*note: this is not identical to Figure 4 in Morris & Lecar 1981

The definition in LEMS, MorrisLecarWCell.xml, currently uses the formalism outlined here):