NeuroMorpho.Org Showcase

NeuroMorpho.Org Showcase

A set of example reconstructed neuronal morphologies taken from NeuroMorpho.Org in NeuroML format.

Some of these are available in NeuroML v1 format, but the main target version of NeuroML is NeuroML v2.0. There are some examples of the original data in SWC format.

Cells converted to NeuroML v2.0 can be visualised on Open Source Brain, e.g. this monkey pyramidal cell (left) or blowfly visual neuron (right):

monkey  monkey

Note: converting NeuroMorpho.Org morphologies to NeuroML is facilitated by the Cvapp 3D Neuron viewer. This can be launched from the individual neuron pages on NeuroMorpho.Org (e.g. here) or run standalone using the code here.

More details on how to export NeuroML 2 cells from NeuroMorpho.Org and put them on OSB for visualisation, can be found in this tutorial.

Continuous build using OMV

Reusing this code

The code in this repository is provided under the terms of the software license included with it. If you use this model in your research, we respectfully ask you to cite the references outlined in the CITATION file.

Some morphologies added already. More will be added over time.

This model was originally developed in: SWC

The code for this model is hosted on GitHub: