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Adrian Quintana, 30 Apr 2014 15:23

OSB Kick off meeting, Sardinia, 13-15 May 2013


Dates: 9am Monday 13th - 5pm Wednesday 15th May, 2013

Location: Hotel Calabona, Alghero, Sardinia

Local organisers: Sergio Solinas, Irene Solinas
Organising committee: Matteo Cantarelli, Sharon Crook, Padraig Gleeson, Eugenio Piasini, Angus Silver

Focus of meeting

The focus of this meeting was on cerebellar cell & network models.

Some notes taken during the discussion sessions are currently being converted into minutes of the meeting, but in the mean time, see the slides below from a number of the presenters, or see a blog post from the OpenWorm project on the meeting.

One specific outcome of the meeting was the setting up of a project to try to create a community developed model (or models) of the cerebellar granule cell.


Monday 13th May, 9am - 6pm

Morning Session
9:00        Angus Silver Introduction to the aims of the initiative
9:15 Matteo Cantarelli        Overview of current OSB features & models, current website (Slides)
10:00 Latest on NeuroML & LEMS developments
Padraig Gleeson NeuroML 2 developments (Slides)
Robert Cannon LEMS background & latest developments
Sharon Crook Archival and Search of NeuroML Models and Model Components
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Tools and resources for large scale modelling
Mike Vella libNeuroML: A Python API for NeuroML (Slides)
Richard Gerkin NeuroUnit: Unit tests for neuroscience models (Slides)
Hugo Cornelis Interoperability in the GENESIS 3.0 Software Federation: the NEURON Simulator as an Example
12:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session
13:30 Tools and resources for large scale modelling
Thomas Close Challenges of simulator-independent network modeling (Slides)
Steve Marsh HiveMind: Generating efficient simulators from NeuroML (Slides)
Paul Fox From tens to millions of neurons: how computer architecture can help (Slides)
14:30 NeuroML: what’s missing/required?
Open session. Chair: Sharon Crook
15:00 Poster session & coffee
16:00 Open discussion on collaborative modelling
Chair:Robert Cannon

Tuesday 14th May, 9am - 6pm

Morning Session
  Cerebellar modelling presentations
9:00 Egidio D’Angelo Cerebellar models: from cellular to network properties
9:45 Stéphane Dieudonné Understanding cerebellar granular layer transcoding
10:30 Tadashi Yamazaki Realtime simulation of a cerebellar spiking network model using a GPU (Slides)
10:45 Coffee break & poster session
11:30 Cerebellar modelling presentations (continued)
Paul Dean Adaptive Filter Models (Slides)
Christian Roessert Compatibility of a detailed model of cerebellar granular layer processing with adaptive filter computations
Jesus Garrido Distributed synaptic plasticity controls spike-timing at the cerebellar granular layer: predictions from a computational model (Slides)
12:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session
13:30 Angus Silver Information flow through the cerebellar granule cell layer
14:15 Eugenio Piasini Tutorials on Git & GitHub (Slides, OSB project used for demo)
14:30 Hands on collaborative modelling session
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Hands on collaborative modelling session (continued)
19:30 Conference Dinner: Movida Restaurant

Wednesday 15th May, 9am - 5pm

Morning Session
  Cerebellar modelling presentations
9:00 Chris De Zeeuw Creating Cerebellar Coordination by Distributed Synergistic Plasticity
9:45 Volker Steuber Multi-scale models of synaptic plasticity in the cerebellum (Slides)
10:30 Sergio Solinas Realistic modeling of the cerebellar cortex (Slides)
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Arnd Roth Untangling cerebellar circuits with scanning electron microscopy and focused ion beam milling
11:45 Continued hands on collaboration session
12:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session
13:30 Continued hands on collaboration session
13:30 Parallel Session: Private CEREBNET planning meeting
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Presentations of results & feedback
16:30 Future plans for OSB

Posters presented

Maximum poster size: 1.5m x 1.5m

Presenter Title
Sathyaa Subramaniyam The mechanisms of late-onset synaptic responses in a realistic model of Unipolar Brush Cells    
Giovanni Idili OpenWorm - progress report
Stefano Masoli A realistic Purkinje cell model
Jesus Garrido Event-and-time driven simulator accelerated with CPU-GPU co-processing (PDF)
Helena Głąbska Meaningful decompositions of multielectrode LFP recordings (PDF)


If you have any enquiries about this meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact: