We investigated the reliability of the timing of spikes in a spike train in a Morris-Lecar model with several extensions. A frozen Gaussian noise current, superimposed on a DC current, was injected. The neuron responded with spike trains that showed trial-to-trial variability. The reliability depends on the shape (steepness) of the current input versus spike frequency output curve. The model also allowed to study the contribution of three relevant ionic membrane currents to reliability: a T-type calcium current, a cation selective h-current and a calcium dependent potassium current in order to allow bursting, investigate the consequences of a more complex current-frequency relation and produce realistic firing rates.
Zeldenrust, F., Chameau, P. J. P., & Wadman, W. J. (2013). Reliability of spike and burst firing in thalamocortical relay cells. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 35, 317–334.
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There were five sets of simulations
1 The original Prescott model: prescott
2 Model with added T-current: prescott + T
3 Model with added T-current and adaptation current: prescott + T+adap
4 Model with added T-current and h-current: prescott + T+h
5 Model with added T-current with variable gT: prescott+Tvar
All used the same input stimulus, taken from the experiments,
Scientific Coordinator: Fleur Zeldenrust
The original published version of this model is available on
This model was originally developed in: XPP
The code for this model is hosted on GitHub: